They were the most popular recommendations. Nearly every person who emailed recommended the following four DVDs. The only comments I have made throughout the list are in italics. I will also include comments from readers when they gave them. I will put an asterisk beside the movies that were recommended most frequently. Many can also be rented from your local library.

To find the following movies, do an Internet search for the title. It is not funded by any type of Christian organization, it’s simply a family friendly alternative to the excessive language, violence, etc. As with all things, this is no substitute for attentive parenting and doesn’t necessarily make all the filtered movies acceptable, but it is a beneficial option for our family. The filter id unlike anything you’ve seen before and removes the material in an almost seamless fashion.
It uses specialized software and movie specific filters to remove objectionable material from pre-selected movies. Another lady writes about ClearPlay: “You can research it on the internet, it’s a DVD player, now available at Target for $50. You can purchase a censoring device at Target called “ClearPlay.” You can then pay a small subscription fee to “clean up” any questionable movies.

One Reader mentions SKY ANGEL, a Christian satellite service which is much better than cable or other satellite services (and cheaper-$14.99/mo.) It shows all the Creation Science programming! You can get more information at **CLEARPLAY**: Collins, CO 80522 1-80įeature Films for Families (They have LOTS of movies made specifically for families.

(movies edited for family viewing great prices) This website gives full details and moral rating on everything from what is out at the theater to movie rentals. Hit the back arrow at the top left of the screen to return to the list. You can then click on any title and see the review and get information on the movie. You can click on “excellent” or “good” and a list in alphabetical order will appear. The following are websites that our readers have recommended to check out the decency of movies you may be interested in watching.